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Automated Necking Platform (Model 833-B)

These machines reduce the outside diameter of thermoplastic tubes.  Tubing is heated to a temperature at which the yield strength of material is substantially reduced. The dimensional change is then accomplished by stretching the material in an axial direction. Common applications include: catheter shaft neck-down, heat shrink tubing sizing, polymer tubing layering and tubing jacketing (e.g. jacketing S.S. hypotube shafts or wire braids with polymer tubing).

The 3-Up Automated Necking System Gives You:

  • Highly repeatable diameter reductions
  • Quick, convenient die changes
  • Accurate draw speed and length control
  • Precise die temperature control
  • Necks three tubes simultaneously
  • Accommodates up to 8 feet long

Operating Specifications:

  • Minimum Speed 0.1 mm/sec.
  • Maximum Speed  30 mm/sec.
  • Temperature Ambient – 700 deg. F
  • Tooling 1.0 O.D. Drawing-Die Pocket

For Service and Support 

Call (928) 556-3109 or Email


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